Monday, July 29, 2013

State of South African Property market

The latest issue of Rode’s Report on the SA Property Market reveals a modicum of good news for the industrial property market, says property valuer and economist Erwin Rode of Rode & Associates.
On a national basis, the yearly growth in industrial rentals is slowly heating up, seemingly benefiting from the lagged impact of declining vacancy rates. “In fact, such has been the acceleration in the growth of market rentals in this sector that in the fourth quarter of 2012, prime rentals recorded a nationally averaged growth rate of 7%, with the strongest yearly growth of 9% being achieved in the Cape Peninsula.” Disappointing, however, is that the national average still failed to be in excess of building-cost inflation. “Hence, we are not yet out of the woods,” cautions Rode.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Adrian Goslett comments on the July interest rate announcement

Adrian Goslett comments on the July interest rate announcement

"Given the fact that consumers have already experienced a massive petrol price increase and electricity tariff over the past month; it came as relief that the Monetary Policy Committee has decided to leave the prime interest rate unchanged at its current figure of 8.5%,"says Adrian Goslett, CEO of RE/MAX of Southern Africa.